Festive concert of young teachers

Festive concert of young teachers
During the revival of the new epoch of the Stable State under the leadership of our Gahryman Arkadagymyz and Arkadagly Gahryman  Serdarymyz of our Independent Eternal Neutral Homeland, in the year of "Ocean of Wisdom, Magtymguly Pyragy", every day is full of feasts. Thanks to the tireless efforts of the honorable President, our country is growing and changing day by day. Along with all systems, great progress is being made in the field of culture and art. Continuing the path of discipleship, a wide path is opened to bring Turkmen art to higher levels. The memory of the masters of culture and art who completed great works in this field during their significant life is held in high regard and they are still remembered.
One of such giants is People's Artist of Turkmenistan, Master Composer Danatar Ovezov, winner of the State Prize named after Magtymguly. He was one of our mentors who greatly contributed to the development and improvement of the art of music.
A concert prepared by young teachers at the Turkmen State Special Music School named after Danatar Ovezov at the Turkmen National Conservatory named after Maya Kulyeva, named after our master composer, was another proof of the continuation of the path of mentorship. This event was dedicated to Magtymguly Pyragy's 300th wedding anniversary. All departments of the school actively participated in the concert.

We would like to express our gratitude to the true patron of culture and art, our Gahryman Arkadagymyza, Arkadagly Gahryman Serdarymyz, for holding such wonderful concerts and creating great opportunities for teachers to continue their apprenticeship. May the souls of our Gahryman Arkadagymyz and Arkadagly Gahryman Serdarymyz, be well, work well, and their heads always be safe!
Aýläle Gulmuradowa – student
    Turkmen State Special Music School 
Danatar Ovezov at the Turkmen National 
            Conservatory Maya Kuliyeva



Aşgabat şäheriniň 1984-nji (Puşkin) köçesiniň 22-nji jaýy.

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92-54-84, 92-52-19