In the country of Turkmenistan, friendly and brotherly relations are becoming more and more friendly. In the country, the cultural events taking place in honor of the 300th anniversary of our poet Magtymguly Pyragy are wide-ranging. From April 8 to 15, 2024, the Acapella Week of the professional vocal trio group "Pipeline Vocal Project" from the state of Alaska, USA was held in our country. On 14.04.2024, at the Magtymguly musical drama theater, the Choir group of the TDYSM named after Danatar Ovezov, as well as the trio group of the USA, together with singers such as Adriano Latonio, Molly Diyeni, Lisa Hawkins, gave a concert. At the beginning of the concert, the audience welcomed the guests with loud applause. At the concert, the singers immediately attracted the attention of the audience. They were not only expected to sing, but also imitated the sounds of various musical instruments.
       In addition, according to the concert program, the choir of the music school led by M. Amangeldiyeva performed " Gözüm düşdi " to the music of V. Akhmedov to the words of Magtymguly Pyragy, "Turkmenin", and the American works "Sweet Caroline-Neil Diamond", "I Wanna Be Like You-Disney". ", "Under the Sea-Disney" and "Hey Jude" they performed together with great enthusiasm. Professional choir singers skillfully performed their works in dynamics (f) forte, (p) piano, crescendo demuniendo, using many features such as singing with a microphone, adding a dance movement, using the human voice instead of musical instruments.
     At the end of the concert, the guests who came to Turkmenistan expressed their gratitude to the President of Turkmenistan, who said that it was very interesting to come to Turkmenistan and give a concert with the school's choir. I wish from the deep of my heart that the souls of our Gahryman Arkadagymyz and Arkadagly Gahryman Serdarymyz will always be happy and successful in their state affairs. 
Nurana Annaberdiyeva 
      Women of a head of the organization
 Turkmen State Special Music School named 
after Danatar Ovezov at the Maya Kulyyeva 
           Turkmen National Conservatory.



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